Animals Names In Telugu And Hindi

Vegetables name in Telugu.
Animals names in telugu and hindi. Fruits name in Telugu. Polar bear ధరవ ఎలగబట. Ant - चट - Cheentee Formicidae 2.
Cat - बलल -. Definitions and Meaning of Hindi in English Hindi adjective.
Usually written in Devanagari script. Of or relating to or supporting Hinduism Synonyms. Learn animals vocabulary animal names through pictures.
Along with English it is the official language of India. Buffalo - भस - Bhains Bubalus bubalis 4. Spoken mostly in the north of India.
A forest is an extensive area preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it. Toka leni Kothi తక లన కత 2.
Contextual translation of genda animal name in telugu into English. The most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars. Pets Name पलत जनवर क नम Picture.