Arctic Tundra Animals List

And many more animals migrate north to enjoy the arctic summer.
Arctic tundra animals list. The overall tundra climate allows only the fittest to survive. The Arctic fox lives in burrows and inhabits the regions in which it is commonly found include Alaska and northern Canada. The arctic tundra animals and plants have to adapt to the harsh climatic conditions.
The three geographically distinct regions are the arctic tundra alpine tundra and the antarctic tundra. Animals found in the tundra include snowy owls polar bears caribou arctic foxes arctic hares etc. Arctic Tundra Animals List.
When the snow melts many birds come to nest. Animals that live on the tundra must be able to adapt to very cold temperatures. Many of the Arctic animals on this list have special adaptations that enable them to cope with the extreme conditions of the far north.
Animals of the Arctic Tundra 1. Located to the south of the arctic tundra are the boreal forests or taiga. Arctic Fox - Vulpes lagopus Arctic Hare - Lepus arcticus Arctic Wolf - Canis lupus arctos Caribou Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus Moose - Alces alces Musk Ox - Ovibos moschatus Polar Bear - Ursus maritimus Wolverine - Gulo gulo Dall Sheep - Ovis dalli Ermine - Mustela erminea Lemming - Lemmus lemmus Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe Rabbit.
The Arctic Fox is a secondary consumer and a carnivore. A good example of an animal with special adaptations is the Arctic FoxThe Arctic Fox has short ears and a short round body with a thick coat to minimize the amount of skin exposed to the frigid air. Most birds and mammals only use the tundra as a summer home.
The Arctic is a hostile environment yet the species on this Arctic animals list are able to live either on the frozen tundra or in the icy waters that surround the North Pole. Arctic tundra animals list. More than 100 species of birds travel to the tundra to feed on the wide range of insects and to reproduce as the arctic tundra is a safe place to do so.